"The Master Rogue: The Confessions of a Crœsus" by David Graham Phillips is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a determined and ambitious man who aspires to achieve great wealth and social status, navigating the corrupt and competitive landscape of business in New York. The protagonist, who recounts his rise to becoming a millionaire, grapples with ambition, betrayal, and the moral complexities that accompany his quest for power. The opening of the narrative introduces the main character, who reflects on his unwavering confidence that he would become a millionaire from a young age. He describes his journey from a clerk in a dry-goods house to general manager and eventual partner, underlining his ambition and drive. The protagonist reveals his disdain for his senior partner, Mr. Judson, and how this envy fuels his desires for wealth and dominance. A critical turning point arises when he discovers that Judson is financially entangled, presenting an opportunity for the protagonist to seize control of the business. This sets the stage for further moral dilemmas and conflicts as he navigates his path to wealth and the subsequent impact on his family and relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Master Rogue: The Confessions of a Croesus
By David Graham Phillips
"The Master Rogue: The Confessions of a Crœsus" by David Graham Phillips is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows a determined ...
David Graham Phillips was an American novelist and journalist of the muckraker tradition.
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