"Peter the Whaler" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a novel written in the mid-19th century. This work follows the adventures of a young Irish boy named Peter Lefroy, who begins as a rebellious teenager engaged in poaching under the guidance of a bad influence. Following a series of misadventures and confrontations with authority, Peter's life takes a dramatic turn as he embarks on a voyage to Canada aboard a mismanaged emigrant ship, the BLACK SWAN, where he learns valuable lessons about duty, morality, and the harsh realities of life at sea. The opening portion of the book introduces Peter as a typical teenage boy who resists his father's attempts to mold him into a responsible young man. After being caught poaching and facing potential punishment, Peter’s father strikes a deal with Captain Swales to take him to sea instead of facing his mistakes at home. As the narrative unfolds, Peter reveals his determination and naiveté while navigating the treacherous waters of life aboard the BLACK SWAN, including encountering a kind captain who presents a stark contrast to the harshness of Captain Swales. Peter's journey is shaped not only by his desire for adventure but also by the lessons learned through confronting consequences and navigating the complexities of friendship and morality. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Peter the Whaler
By William Henry Giles Kingston
"Peter the Whaler" by William Henry Giles Kingston is a novel written in the mid-19th century. This work follows the adventures of a young Irish boy n...
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About the Author
William Henry Giles Kingston, often credited as W. H. G. Kingston, was an English writer of boys' adventure novels.
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