"The City Curious" by Jean de Boschère is a whimsical children’s novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around two peculiar characters, Smaly and his wife Redy, who embark on a fantastical journey in search of three little girls to fill their charming home. As they travel through a surreal land populated by comical creatures and delightful sweets, they encounter various magical and absurd scenarios, suggesting a narrative rich in imagination and humor. The opening of the story introduces the readers to Smaly and Redy as they yearn for companionship in their beautifully adorned home. While trying to beautify their living space, they express their desire for three little girls to share their joy and vividly wish for them using a magic verse. However, wishing proves ineffective, prompting them to set out on a quest. As they explore a strange and wondrous land where everything seems to be made of sugary delights, they face humorous challenges, such as dealing with a chocolate door and being bewitched, setting the stage for further adventures in this strange and enchanting world filled with oddities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The City Curious
By Jean de Boschère
(3.5 stars) • 10 reviews
Illustrated by the author.
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About the Author
Jean de Bosschère was a Belgian writer and painter.
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