"Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader" by R. M. Ballantyne is a historical adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. Set against the backdrop of the Pacific Islands, the narrative revolves around the intriguing character of Captain Gascoyne and his crew, including the rugged seaman John Bumpus. The story unfolds amidst the tension of piracy and the dangers of savage islanders, capturing the reader's attention with themes of bravery, duty, and the complex moral fabric of island life. The opening of the tale introduces us to a tranquil scene aboard a schooner in the Great Pacific, where the crew is enjoying a lazy morning until they are roused into action. It highlights the contrasting characters of Gascoyne—a determined and stoic captain—and John Bumpus, whose jovial disposition and physical prowess promise comedic relief amidst the mounting tensions. As they approach a coral island, the plot thickens with hints of conflict from both human adversaries and the landscape itself, setting the stage for encounters that will test their courage and challenge their values. Further developments reveal an impending clash with a native savage, enriching the narrative with hints of violence and alliance that will shape the unfolding story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader
By R. M. (Robert Michael) Ballantyne
"Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader" by R. M. Ballantyne is a historical adventure novel written in the mid-19th century. Set against the backdrop of th...
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About the Author
Robert Michael Ballantyne was a Scottish author of juvenile fiction, who wrote more than a hundred books. He was also an accomplished artist: he exhibited some of his water-colours at the Royal Scottish Academy.
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