"Paradise Garden: The Satirical Narrative of a Great Experiment" by George Gibbs is a satirical novel written in the early 20th century. The story revolves around a unique social experiment conducted by the late millionaire John Benham, who wants to raise his son Jerry in a secluded and controlled environment, sheltered from the influence of women and modern society. The narrative is presented through the perspective of Roger Canby, the intellectual tutor assigned to shape the upbringing of the boy, whose life is dictated by his father's eccentric directives. At the start of the novel, we meet Roger Canby, who is approached by Jack Ballard with a peculiar opportunity to become the tutor for Jerry Benham, the son of a wealthy but cynical father. John Benham has established strict conditions for Jerry's upbringing, which include living in isolation within a vast estate known as Horsham Manor, devoid of female influence until he turns twenty-one. As Roger navigates this unorthodox role, he reflects on his own philosophies and the implications of this grand experiment. The opening chapters introduce the social dynamics and set the stage for the conflicts that will arise as Jerry grows up under Roger's intellectual guidance, eventually leading to a confrontation with the realities of the outside world and the complexities of human relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Paradise Garden: The Satirical Narrative of a Great Experiment
By George Gibbs
"Paradise Garden: The Satirical Narrative of a Great Experiment" by George Gibbs is a satirical novel written in the early 20th century. The story rev...
George Fort Gibbs was an American author, illustrator, artist, and screenwriter. As an author, he wrote more than 50 popular books, primarily adventure stories revolving around espionage in "exotic" locations. Several of his books were made into films. His illustrations appeared prominently in such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Redbook and The Delineator. He also illustrated some of his own novels, and the novels of others. As a painter he produced many portraits, and painted murals for Pennsylvania Station and Girard College in Philadelphia. His screenwriting credits include a film about the life of Voltaire.