"Beauty and the Beast" by Unknown is a classic fairy tale that falls under the category of a children's story, likely written in the late 17th to early 18th century. This enduring tale revolves around themes of love, sacrifice, and the idea that true beauty lies within, rather than in external appearance. It captures the essence of enchantment and moral lessons typical of fairy tales from this time period. The story unfolds with a merchant who, after facing financial ruin, ends up at the mercy of a terrifying Beast after plucking a rose to please his daughter, Beauty. To save her father's life, Beauty willingly agrees to live with the Beast in his magical palace. Initially frightened, Beauty gradually discovers the Beast's gentle nature and kindness, leading her to develop feelings for him. As the narrative progresses, she faces a dilemma between familial loyalty and her growing affection for the Beast. Ultimately, through an act of true love, she breaks the curse that transformed the Beast into his frightful form, revealing him as a handsome prince. The tale concludes with their joyful union and a celebration of love that transcends appearances, solidifying its legacy as a beloved story for generations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Beauty and the Beast
By Unknown
Project Gutenberg has several editions of this eBook: #19967 (An illustrated HTML file) #23311 (An illustrated HTML file) #7074 (A Plain HTML file)
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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