"Last Call" by Bryce Walton is a science fiction novella written during the early 1950s. The story explores themes of control, societal conditioning, and the quest for individual freedom in a dystopian future where a special phenomenon known as "THE CALL" beckons individuals toward Mars, promising a greater purpose. The narrative unfolds within a morally ambiguous framework where a soldier of the Disciplinary Corps, named Bronson, grapples with the implications of this mysterious call and the oppressive regime under which he lives. The plot centers on Bronson's decision to hijack a cargo rocket intended for Venus, with the intent of reaching Mars after experiencing THE CALL. Throughout the journey, he reflects on his troubled existence and the societal conditioning that has suppressed genuine humanity. After killing his crewmate Orlan and confronting Captain Morrow, Bronson learns from Morrow's curiosity the true implications of THE CALL. Upon arriving on Mars, Bronson uncovers the dark history behind it—a failed initiative by a group called Freedom Unlimited that sought to enhance human consciousness, ultimately leading to a catastrophic war. As he embraces his unique knowledge and power, Bronson resolves to free humanity from the psychological shackles imposed by their rulers, believing that the spirit of Freedom Unlimited will endure as long as there are those willing to heed THE CALL. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Last Call
By Bryce Walton
"Last Call" by Bryce Walton is a science fiction novella written during the early 1950s. The story explores themes of control, societal conditioning, ...
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About the Author
Bryce Walton was an American pulp fiction writer.
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