"Winning His Way" by Charles Carleton Coffin is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story primarily revolves around a young boy named Paul Parker, who lives in a small village called New Hope. His life is characterized by the struggles of poverty, the warmth of family ties, and the growth of his character as he navigates the challenges and adventures of his youth. At the start of the narrative, the reader is introduced to Paul's early years and the setting of New Hope, where his family has established a modest life after emigrating to the West. Paul is portrayed as a spirited and adventurous boy, cherished by his mother and grandfather, who share stories and life lessons with him. He is depicted engaging in playful antics and mischief, alongside moments of introspection instilled by his grandfather about truth, honor, and courage. As the opening unfolds, themes of family, community, and personal integrity begin to emerge, setting the tone for Paul’s journey towards maturity while dealing with societal expectations and his own aspirations. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Winning His Way
By Charles Carleton Coffin
"Winning His Way" by Charles Carleton Coffin is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story primarily revolves around a young boy named Paul P...
Charles Carleton Coffin was an American journalist, war correspondent, author and politician.
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