"Moon of Danger" by Albert de Pina is a science fiction novel set in the mid-20th century, reflecting the genre's fascination with space exploration and interplanetary conflict. The story revolves around the dire plight of the Martians fleeing a devastating plague and their desperate attempts for sanctuary on Earth, amidst rising tensions and political factions that threaten their survival. The plot follows Ric Martin, a captain in Earth's Interstellar Fleet, who becomes embroiled in the struggles of the Martians seeking refuge. As the huge spaceship, the "Valiant", makes its way from Mars, Ric learns of a sinister plot orchestrated by the anti-Martian faction led by Supreme Commander Wessell, who is intent on preventing the ship's landing on Earth. Determined to warn the Martians, Ric's journey leads him through a series of intense confrontations, including encounters on the vast ship itself, intrigue involving Martian leaders, and a climactic battle resulting in the destruction of Phobos. Ultimately, Ric and his companions work to thwart Gorak's plans to unleash the spores on Earth's moon, seeking not only to save both Martians and Earthlings but also to reclaim their worlds from impending doom. The novel combines elements of suspense, political intrigue, and space opera, all centered on themes of survival, cooperation, and the pursuit of peace amidst chaos. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Moon of Danger
By Albert dePina
"Moon of Danger" by Albert de Pina is a science fiction novel set in the mid-20th century, reflecting the genre's fascination with space exploration a...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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