"The Rival Submarines" by Percy F. Westerman is a naval adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds during a period of military mobilization where the British fleet is a target for a mysterious foreign submarine commanded by the enigmatic Captain Restronguet. The narrative centers around Sub-Lieutenant Arnold Hythe, who is tasked with investigating the submarine's activities and faces thrilling encounters throughout his mission. The opening portion of the tale introduces an atmosphere of urgency as the British naval forces prepare for practice maneuvers at Portsmouth. Shortly before the exercises commence, a strange message is found attached to the battleships’ anchors, signaling an unknown threat and prompting an immediate investigation led by Hythe. As he descends into the depths to uncover the mystery, he encounters a foreign submarine that ignites his determination to protect his fleet. Throughout this adventure, readers are introduced to the tension between the British authorities and the disruptive activities of the elusive Captain Restronguet, setting the stage for a gripping narrative filled with naval strategy, technology, and exploration. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rival Submarines
By Percy F. (Percy Francis) Westerman
First published 1913. The date '1917' used in the first paragraph of the novel is fictitious.
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About the Author
Percy Francis Westerman was an English author of children's literature, with a prolific output. Many of his books are adventure stories with military and naval themes.
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