"Nick Carter Stories No. 160, October 2, 1915: The Yellow Label; or, Nick Carter" is a serialized detective story written during the early 20th century. The narrative centers around the iconic detective Nick Carter, whose adventures involve clever schemes, society criminals, and jagged plot twists. The story features characters that include Alfred Knox Atherton, a wealthy man entangled in a plot, and Max Berne, a waiter with a hidden agenda who seeks to intertwine his fate with the criminal escapade surrounding Atherton. The opening of this thrilling narrative sets the stage in the Marmawell Club, where rich socialites frequent. It introduces Max Berne, a perceptive waiter who suspects another club member, Atherton, of being involved in dubious dealings, particularly surrounding expensive jewels. As Berne eavesdrops on conversations, he uncovers a secretive plan and begins to take calculated steps to engage with Atherton's potentially criminal activities, aiming to leverage the knowledge for his gain. Despite the seemingly straightforward world of high society, a web of intrigue unfolds, hinting at deception, danger, and the presence of the esteemed detective Nick Carter lurking in the background, ready to intervene. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Nick Carter Stories No. 160, October 2, 1915: The Yellow Label; or, Nick Carter and the Society Looters.
By Nicholas (House name) Carter
"Nick Carter Stories No. 160, October 2, 1915: The Yellow Label; or, Nick Carter" is a serialized detective story written during the early 20th centur...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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