"The Daft Days" by Neil Munro is a comedic novel written in the early 20th century. This work encapsulates the quirky, whimsical atmosphere of New Year's Day in a Scottish town, depicting the joyous celebrations and the eccentric characters that emerge during this time, reflecting the customs and traditions of the era. The story unfolds on New Year’s Day, centering around the Dyce family, who are excitedly preparing for the arrival of a nephew from America. The narrative introduces a myriad of lively characters, including the mischievous maid Kate and the endearing uncle Dan Dyce, who displays a humorous and carefree disposition. As the family prepares for the festivities, amusing and chaotic events ensue, culminating in the unexpected arrival of their niece, who turns out to be a young girl rather than the expected boy. Through a blend of humor, misunderstandings, and charming dialogue, the novel captures the warmth of family bonds and the whimsical nature of New Year celebrations in Scotland, making it a delightful read for those interested in character-driven stories rich in local flavor and festive spirit. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Daft Days
By Neil Munro
"The Daft Days" by Neil Munro is a comedic novel written in the early 20th century. This work encapsulates the quirky, whimsical atmosphere of New Yea...
Neil Munro was a Scottish journalist, newspaper editor, author and literary critic. He was basically a serious writer, but is now mainly known for his humorous short stories, originally written under the pen name Hugh Foulis. The best known of these stories are about the fictional Clyde puffer the Vital Spark and her captain Para Handy, but they also include stories about the waiter and kirk beadle Erchie MacPherson and the travelling drapery salesman Jimmy Swan. They were originally published in the Glasgow Evening News, but collections were published as books. A key figure in Scottish literary circles, Munro was a friend of the writers J. M. Barrie, John Buchan, Robert Bontine Cunninghame Graham and Joseph Conrad, and the artists Edward A. Hornel, George Houston, Pittendrigh MacGillivray and Robert Macaulay Stevenson. He was an early promoter of the works of both Conrad and Rudyard Kipling.