"A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker" by Agnes Giberne is a biographical work written in the late 19th century. The book focuses on the life of Charlotte Maria Tucker, also known by her literary pseudonym A. L. O. E., highlighting her contributions to literature, particularly children's books, as well as her significant missionary work in India. It aims to portray the essence of her character and the enduring impact of her life devoted to service and faith. The opening of the biography presents an "Author's Preface" where Agnes Giberne shares insights about the compilation of Charlotte Tucker’s letters and writings, indicating the challenges in both the abundance and scarcity of materials regarding different periods of her life. Giberne introduces Tucker as a person of remarkable self-devotion, emphasizing her missionary efforts and the relationships she cultivated, particularly with her sister-friend Mrs. Hamilton. The author sets the tone of admiration for Tucker’s character, asserting the importance of understanding not only what she accomplished but who she was at heart, as they prepare to delve into the details of her life both in England and India. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker
By Agnes Giberne
"A Lady of England: The Life and Letters of Charlotte Maria Tucker" by Agnes Giberne is a biographical work written in the late 19th century. The book...
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About the Author
Agnes Giberne was a British novelist and scientific writer. Her fiction was typical of Victorian evangelical fiction with moral or religious themes for children. She also wrote books on science for young people, a handful of historical novels, and one well-regarded biography.
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