"The Arrow of Fire" by Roy J. Snell is a boys' mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Johnny Thompson, a young man recently returned to his native Chicago after three years of adventure, who quickly finds himself embroiled in crime-fighting. With engaging characters like Drew Lane, a young detective, and a host of intriguing criminal activity in the city, the novel blends elements of mystery with the thrill of detective work and the camaraderie of unexpected friendships. At the start of the novel, Johnny arrives back in Chicago aboard a freighter, feeling a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation for the adventures that await him. After meeting Drew Lane, who appears to lead a double life as an ordinary man and a detective, Johnny is drawn into a world filled with excitement and danger. The opening chapters establish Johnny's determination to take an active role in crime prevention as he becomes a witness in a significant case involving pickpockets, while a mysterious figure with a gun looms in the shadows, hinting at further peril. The narrative sets the stage for a thrilling journey as Johnny navigates the conflicts and challenges of city life, embracing his newfound responsibilities. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Arrow of Fire A Mystery Story for Boys
By Roy J. (Roy Judson) Snell
"The Arrow of Fire" by Roy J. Snell is a boys' mystery novel written in the early 20th century. The story follows Johnny Thompson, a young man recentl...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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