"Be Young Again!" by Murray Leinster is a feature novel penned in the mid-20th century, specifically around the 1950s. The book combines elements of science fiction and caper fiction as it weaves a story about youth and deceit through the lens of a caper involving the Elixir of Youth. The narrative follows the misadventures of humorous con artist Jode and a clever teenage protagonist as they concoct a scheme to swindle an aging mobster, Mr. Vachti, with the promise of restoring youth. The storyline pivots around Jode's ambitious plan to outsmart Mr. Vachti, a notorious bootlegger, using a supposed Elixir of Youth developed by Professor Henry Barr. Jode and the young protagonist, who narrates the events, orchestrate a scheme to sell the elixir to Vachti, believing it will secure their wealth and futures. As the plot unfolds, themes of trust, deception, and the consequences of one's actions emerge, particularly when misunderstandings lead to chaos. When Jode finds himself in hot water, thanks to the unexpected effects of the elixir on himself and others, the story takes a comical turn, leaving the characters in a precarious position as they navigate their complicated lives filled with surprising twists. Ultimately, the book provides not only a captivating adventure but also a humorous reflection on the lengths people will go to reclaim their youth and the unforeseen results of their schemes. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Be young again!
By Murray Leinster
"Be Young Again!" by Murray Leinster is a feature novel penned in the mid-20th century, specifically around the 1950s. The book combines elements of s...
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About the Author
Murray Leinster was a pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins, an American writer of genre fiction, particularly of science fiction. He wrote and published more than 1,500 short stories and articles, 14 movie scripts, and hundreds of radio scripts and television plays.
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