"Blind Love" by Wilkie Collins, completed by Walter Besant, is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around themes of love, loyalty, and the complexities of human relationships set against a backdrop of societal constraints and personal dilemmas. The opening introduces characters such as the anxious banker Sir Giles Mountjoy and his devoted clerk Dennis Howmore, hinting at a narrative filled with intrigue and emotional turmoil. At the start of the novel, we find Sir Giles Mountjoy deeply disturbed by a series of mysterious and threatening letters that suggest a conspiracy against him, prompting him to send his clerk on secretive errands that eventually lead to the discovery of clues. Dennis, the clerk, finds a piece of paper with holes that seems to hold significant meaning and becomes embroiled in the unfolding mystery. Simultaneously, the opening hints at broader themes related to Sir Giles’s family, specifically his nephew Arthur Mountjoy, and Iris Henley, a woman whose affections lie tangled with the enigmatic Lord Harry. This setup creates an atmosphere of suspense and emotional depth as the characters navigate their complex relationships against external threats. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Blind Love
By Wilkie Collins
"Blind Love" by Wilkie Collins, completed by Walter Besant, is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around themes of love, loy...
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About the Author
William Wilkie Collins was an English novelist and playwright known especially for The Woman in White (1859), a mystery novel and early sensation novel, and for The Moonstone (1868), which established many of the ground rules of the modern detective novel and is also perhaps the earliest clear example of the police procedural genre.
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