"The Long Hillside" by Thomas Nelson Page is a nostalgic short story written in the early 20th century. This work captures a boyhood memory centered around a Christmas hare-hunt in Virginia during the 1860s. Page paints a vivid picture of the joys and camaraderie of youth, exploring themes of adventure, nature, and the simplicity of rural life. The story follows a group of boys, both white and black, as they embark on a long-anticipated hare hunt on Christmas Day. Filled with excitement and a sprinkle of chaos, the hunt involves a motley crew of children and dogs as they chase after hares across fields. Highlights of the tale include various antics, mishaps, and a series of frantic chases that underline the innocence and enthusiasm of childhood. However, the fun is tinged with the consequences of mischief, as the boys face disapproval after allowing the prized hunting dogs to pursue more than just hares, leading to a bittersweet conclusion that underscores the spirit of forgiveness and family during the holiday season. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Long Hillside A Christmas Hare-Hunt In Old Virginia 1908
By Thomas Nelson Page
"The Long Hillside" by Thomas Nelson Page is a nostalgic short story written in the early 20th century. This work captures a boyhood memory centered a...
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About the Author
Thomas Nelson Page was an American lawyer, politician, and writer. He served as the U.S. ambassador to Italy from 1913 to 1919 under the administration of President Woodrow Wilson during World War I.
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