"Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane; Or, Daring Adventures over the Great Lake" by Roy Rockwood is a fictional adventure novel likely written in the early 20th century. The story follows a young aviator named Dave Dashaway as he embarks on a series of bold exploits with his trusty hydroplane, navigating the challenges of competitive aviation and unraveling mysteries related to the aircraft industry. The opening of the tale introduces readers to a rainy day at the Columbus aero meet, where Dave receives a telegram that hints at urgent matters concerning the Interstate Aeroplane Company. As he contemplates the significance of the message, Dave, accompanied by his friend Hiram Dobbs, quickly realizes that they must investigate a potential trick played on their aviation team. Their shared enthusiasm for aeronautics and the sense of adventure sets the tone for the ensuing challenges and escapades involving contracts, rivalries, and the high-stakes world of early aviation. The introduction effectively establishes the characters and their ambitions, compelling readers to join Dave on a thrilling journey filled with aerial feats and unexpected twists. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane; Or, Daring Adventures over the Great Lake
By Roy Rockwood
"Dave Dashaway and His Hydroplane; Or, Daring Adventures over the Great Lake" by Roy Rockwood is a fictional adventure novel likely written in the ear...
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About the Author
Roy Rockwood was a house pseudonym used by Edward Stratemeyer and the Stratemeyer Syndicate for boy's adventure books. The name is most well-remembered for the Bomba the Jungle Boy series.
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