"Husks" by Marion Harland is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Hunt family, focusing particularly on two of the daughters, Sarah and Lucy, as they navigate the societal pressures and personal challenges of their time. The book delves into themes of poverty, compassion, and the pursuit of genuine meaning in life amidst superficiality. The opening of the novel sets a gloomy, rainy day in a respectable neighborhood of Gotham, where a young girl tries to sell matches in inclement weather. The narrative explores the interactions between this girl and Sarah, who shows kindness to the unfortunate child, bringing her into her home for warmth and food. We also gain insight into Sarah's complex personality—her deep sensitivity to the struggles of others contrasts with her family dynamics, particularly with her mother, who embodies societal expectations and material ambition. As Sarah grapples with these themes, her character begins to emerge as one who yearns for deeper understanding and connection beyond her privileged but stifling upbringing. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Marion Harland
"Husks" by Marion Harland is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around the lives of the Hunt family, focusing particularly o...
Mary Virginia Terhune, also known by her penname Marion Harland, was an American author who was prolific and bestselling in both fiction and non-fiction genres. Born in Amelia County, Virginia, she began her career writing articles at the age of 14, using various pennames until 1853, when she settled on Marion Harland. Her first novel Alone was published in 1854 and became an "emphatic success" following its second printing the next year. For fifteen years she was a prolific writer of best-selling women's novels, classified then as "plantation fiction", as well as writing numerous serial works, short stories, and essays for magazines.