"Two Little Women and Treasure House" by Carolyn Wells is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around two girls, Dotty Rose and Dolly Fayre, who are excited about their new shared space, charmingly dubbed "Treasure House," which is designed to be their own little retreat for study and fun. The novel focuses on their adventures and interactions, highlighting themes of friendship, creativity, and growing up. At the start of the narrative, the two girls express their delight over the plans for their new house, which will provide them with a peaceful place to study away from the distractions of their bustling homes. Mr. Rose, Dotty's father, is involved in the project and shares in the enthusiasm for this exciting venture. The girls' excitement grows as they imagine the possibilities of decorating and enjoying their new space, setting the stage for their future adventures within its walls. The opening establishes a warm, whimsical atmosphere, inviting readers into the charming world of the Two D's as they embark on this new chapter of their lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Two Little Women and Treasure House
By Carolyn Wells
"Two Little Women and Treasure House" by Carolyn Wells is a children's novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around two girls, Do...
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About the Author
Carolyn Wells was an American mystery author.
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