"The Princess Nobody: A Tale of Fairyland" by Andrew Lang is a charming tale that falls under the genre of children's literature, likely written during the late 19th century. The story revolves around a royal family's longing for a child and the mystical events that follow when a dwarf offers the king a baby, leading to the birth of a beautiful princess, Niente. This whimsical narrative intersects with themes of fairy tale enchantments and moral lessons that are typical of Lang's style. The plot begins with the King and Queen's desperation for a child, resulting in the birth of the Princess Niente, also known as "Princess Nobody," due to her name's meaning in Italian. However, uncertainty looms when a dwarf claims her as part of a promise made by the king. To protect Niente, the Water Fairy sends her away, sparking a quest among princes to find and rescue her. Among them is Prince Comical, who ultimately discovers the princess in Mushroom Land. After overcoming various challenges, including a tragic moment of curiosity that causes them to be separated, the couple's love triumphs, leading to a joyous reunion. The story emphasizes themes of love, the perils of curiosity, and the eventual rewards of bravery and determination in the fantastical realm of fairies and enchantments. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Princess Nobody: A Tale of Fairyland
By Andrew Lang
"The Princess Nobody: A Tale of Fairyland" by Andrew Lang is a charming tale that falls under the genre of children's literature, likely written durin...
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About the Author
Andrew Lang was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him.
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