"Green Fire: A Romance" by William Sharp is a novel written in the late 19th century. This romantic tale unfolds in a mythical, Celtic backdrop, exploring themes of love, youth, and the beauty of nature. The central characters are Alan de Kerival and Ynys, his cousin, who share a deep, passionate bond amidst the complexities of their family and the surrounding folklore of Brittany. At the start of the story, the setting is richly described, presenting a vivid spring landscape where Alan de Kerival is introduced as a dreamer and poet returning to his ancestral home in Brittany. In this serene environment, he reflects on his love for Ynys, who embodies the spirit of the landscape. However, tension arises as Alan is drawn into the mysterious dynamics of familial relationships, particularly involving his other cousin, Annaik. The opening chapters hint at deeper conflicts within the Kerival family and introduce the supernatural themes associated with their heritage, setting the stage for a tale filled with both romantic and mythical intricacies. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Green Fire: A Romance
By William Sharp
"Green Fire: A Romance" by William Sharp is a novel written in the late 19th century. This romantic tale unfolds in a mythical, Celtic backdrop, explo...
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About the Author
William Sharp was a Scottish writer, of poetry and literary biography in particular, who from 1893 wrote also as Fiona Macleod, a pseudonym kept almost secret during his lifetime. He was also an editor of the poetry of Ossian, Walter Scott, Matthew Arnold, Algernon Charles Swinburne and Eugene Lee-Hamilton.
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