"The Forbidden Way" by George Gibbs is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the backdrop of Mesa City, a boom town in Colorado, where the rather ambitious character Jeff Wray is seeking his fortune alongside his friend Larry Berkely. Themes of ambition, love, and betrayal begin to surface as Wray navigates personal and business relationships, particularly with Camilla, a schoolmistress, and Cortland Bent, a rival in both business and love. At the start of the narrative, we are introduced to Jeff Wray, who is deep in thought over a legal document when his friend Jeff Wray arrives with visible marks from a recent altercation. The unfolding dynamic hints at a tension-laden relationship involving Camilla, whom Jeff feels possessively towards. As Wray and a colleague Mulrennan discuss business ventures and the risky nature of their dealings concerning the 'Lone Tree' mine, the reader learns of the competitive world they inhabit. Simultaneously, the narrative introduces Camilla's internal struggle as she reflects on her feelings for Wray and her circumstances in Mesa City, setting the stage for the intertwining relationships that will be explored throughout the book. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Forbidden Way
By George Gibbs
"The Forbidden Way" by George Gibbs is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds in the backdrop of Mesa City, a boom town in Color...
George Fort Gibbs was an American author, illustrator, artist, and screenwriter. As an author, he wrote more than 50 popular books, primarily adventure stories revolving around espionage in "exotic" locations. Several of his books were made into films. His illustrations appeared prominently in such magazines as The Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal, Redbook and The Delineator. He also illustrated some of his own novels, and the novels of others. As a painter he produced many portraits, and painted murals for Pennsylvania Station and Girard College in Philadelphia. His screenwriting credits include a film about the life of Voltaire.