"The Green Tent Mystery at Sugar Creek" by Paul Hutchens is a children's novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around a group of young boys in Sugar Creek who stumble upon a mystery involving a man digging in an old cemetery. The main characters—Bill, Poetry, and Dragonfly—embark on an adventure to uncover the secrets surrounding this strange activity and the people involved. The opening of the book introduces readers to the trio of friends as they come across the unsettling sight of a man digging late at night in a cemetery. This encounter ignites their curiosity, prompting them to investigate despite their fears. After witnessing the man's nervous behavior and hearing unusual bird calls that seem to signal danger, they decide to explore the scene further. As they return to the site the next day with the rest of their gang, they uncover a woman’s shoe print, leading to more questions about the identity of the man and his dig. The narrative sets the stage for a thrilling mystery, blending elements of adventure, camaraderie, and youthful curiosity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Green Tent Mystery at Sugar Creek
By Paul Hutchens
"The Green Tent Mystery at Sugar Creek" by Paul Hutchens is a children's novel written in the mid-20th century. The story revolves around a group of y...
Paul Hutchens was an American author. In addition to writing The Sugar Creek Gang, a series of 36 Christian-themed juvenile fiction books about the adventures of a group of young boys, he also wrote numerous adult fiction books, many with a romance theme. The author was a graduate of Moody Bible Institute. The Sugar Creek Gang books have been popular in evangelical Christian homes and have remained in print through multiple format and cover art changes. The books have also been dramatized on the radio, and in 2004, the stories were made into a series of movies, directed by Joy Chapman and Owen Smith. His books were originally published by Wm. B. Eerdmans, and later reprinted by other publishers such as Van Kampen Press and Moody Press.