"The Rescue" by Anne Douglas Sedgwick is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on Eustace Damier, who finds himself captivated by an old photograph of Clara Chanfrey, a woman from the 1860s with a poignant past. As he seeks to unravel her story, he becomes entwined with her present and her daughter, leading to explorations of love, loss, and societal expectations. The beginning of the novel introduces Damier as he revisits memories of his mother and her circle, leading to the discovery of the photograph of Clara, a beautiful woman who eloped with a French artist. His fascination with Clara's mysterious life prompts him to reach out to her through mutual acquaintances. As he learns more about her difficult past and the nature of her marriage to the artist, Damier's emotional journey unfolds, revealing his growing interest in both Clara and her daughter, Claire, against the backdrop of their struggles in a rapidly changing society. This opening sets the stage for complex relationships and emotional conflicts that define the characters' lives. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Rescue
By Anne Douglas Sedgwick
"The Rescue" by Anne Douglas Sedgwick is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story focuses on Eustace Damier, who finds himself captivated ...
Anne Douglas Sedgwick was an American-born British writer.
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