"Brood of the Witch-Queen" by Sax Rohmer is a supernatural novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around a mysterious character named Antony Ferrara, who is linked to sorcery and dark forces, particularly relating to ancient Egyptian magic. The opening chapters introduce Robert Cairn, a medical student, who becomes increasingly suspicious of Ferrara's peculiar habits and the sinister occurrences surrounding him. At the start of the novel, Robert Cairn is intrigued yet disturbed by his classmate Antony Ferrara, who lives a bizarre lifestyle filled with incense and strange artifacts. After witnessing the unsettling death of a swan under mysterious circumstances, Cairn becomes convinced that Ferrara is involved in supernatural activities. His concerns grow further when a girl he met near Ferrara's residence ends up dead under mysterious circumstances, deepening the sinister aura around Ferrara and suggesting that dark sorcery may be at play. As the plot thickens, we see Cairn embroiled in a web of mystery that blends romance with the supernatural, captivating readers with its eerie atmosphere and sense of impending danger. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Brood of the Witch-Queen
By Sax Rohmer
"Brood of the Witch-Queen" by Sax Rohmer is a supernatural novel written in the early 20th century. The story unfolds around a mysterious character na...
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About the Author
Arthur Henry "Sarsfield" Ward, better known as Sax Rohmer, was an English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Fu Manchu.
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