"Resurrection Seven" by Stephen Marlowe is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of revival and societal change as it follows the story of Eric Taine, who awakens from suspended animation after nearly two centuries. The narrative dives into the challenges he faces as he adjusts to a future where his identity as a "Lazarus" figure—a resurrected leader—is central to the survival and cohesion of a generation of people living on a spaceship. The storyline unfolds as Eric Taine discovers that he is the seventh individual to emerge from a state of suspended animation aboard the ship, designed for a long journey to colonize the Centaurian System. As he comes to terms with his new surroundings, he learns that the previous "Lazarus," Alan Bridges, has died under suspicious circumstances, leading Eric to uncover a fragile and tradition-bound society on the ship. During his coronation, he realizes that the inhabitants harbor resentment and confusion towards their existence in space. A girl named Laurie warns him of insidious plots against him, suggesting that many onboard wish to sabotage the mission. Eric must rally the remaining Lazaruses and confront the mob mentality that threatens their collective future, ultimately working towards restoring their course to ensure humanity's survival and prevent their civilization from regressing into savagery. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Resurrection Seven
By Stephen Marlowe
"Resurrection Seven" by Stephen Marlowe is a science fiction novel written in the early 1950s. The book explores themes of revival and societal change...
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About the Author
Stephen Marlowe was an American author of science fiction, mystery novels, and fictional autobiographies of Goya, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes, and Edgar Allan Poe. He is best known for his detective character Chester Drum, whom he created for the 1955 novel The Second Longest Night. Lesser also wrote using the pseudonyms Adam Chase, Andrew Frazer, C.H. Thames, Jason Ridgway, Stephen Wilder, and Ellery Queen.
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