"The Lost Child" by François Coppée is a short story written in the late 19th century. This work of fiction centers around themes of family, parenting, and societal values, unfolding a poignant narrative about a wealthy banker and his lost son during the Christmas season. The story captures the contrast between affluence and poverty, emphasizing the importance of human connection and compassion. The narrative follows M. Jean-Baptiste Godefroy, a millionaire banker, who, amidst his busy life focused on wealth and business, experiences an emotional crisis when he loses his young son, Raoul. The story vividly portrays Godefroy's frantic search for his boy, transitioned into reflections on his neglectful parenting style. As he navigates the streets of Paris in distress, he learns that his son has been cared for by a kind-hearted street boy and his adoptive father, revealing the richness of humility and generosity among the less fortunate. In a touching conclusion, Godefroy resolves to change his priorities, recognizing the importance of his child and the realities of those in need, ultimately leading to a newfound commitment to love and care beyond his affluent existence. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Lost Child
By François Coppée
"The Lost Child" by François Coppée is a short story written in the late 19th century. This work of fiction centers around themes of family, parenting...
François Edouard Joachim Coppée was a French poet and novelist.
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