"Watersprings" by Arthur Christopher Benson is a novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative follows Howard Kennedy, a classical lecturer at Cambridge, as he navigates his inner world of thoughts, emotions, and relationships, particularly with his students and relatives, including the charming but carefree Jack Sandys. Through encounters with various characters, the story explores themes of intellectual ambition, emotional depth, and the quest for genuine connections in life. The opening of "Watersprings" sets the stage at Beaufort College, Cambridge, where we are introduced to Howard Kennedy, a dedicated academic who interacts with his undergraduates and colleagues with a mix of kindness and authority. As Howard engages with his pupils and the eccentric Vice-Master, Mr. Redmayne, he is contrasted with Jack Sandys, a naive yet charming student. Their relationship hints at a deeper bond than mere teaching, suggesting Howard's gradual realization of his own emotional dormant self. Jack's carefree spirit and Howard's intellectualism create a backdrop for a deeper exploration of life’s complexities as Howard grapples with his contentment, questioning whether he is truly engaging with life or simply observing it from a distance. The beginning emphasizes Howard's inner restlessness and foreshadows a journey of self-discovery intertwined with academic life and personal connections. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Arthur Christopher Benson
"Watersprings" by Arthur Christopher Benson is a novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative follows Howard Kennedy, a classical lectur...
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About the Author
Arthur Christopher Benson, was an English essayist, poet and academic, and the 28th Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge. He wrote the lyrics of Edward Elgar's Coronation Ode, including the words of the patriotic song "Land of Hope and Glory" (1902). His literary criticism, poems, and volumes of essays were highly regarded. He was also noted as an author of ghost stories.
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