"Philippa" by Mrs. Molesworth is a fictional novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young girl named Philippa Raynsworth, who embarks on a journey of self-discovery while navigating her relationships with her family, particularly her cousin Maida and her sister Evelyn. The initial chapters establish Philippa's sentiments about farewells, the melancholy of autumn, and her contrasting experiences of life compared to those of her wealthier kin. At the start of the tale, readers are introduced to Philippa as she reflects on the bittersweet emotions that accompany farewells during a chilly autumn day. The narrative unfolds with her visit to her affluent cousins, the Lermonts, where she feels a mix of wonder and a sense of being out of place. Her thoughtful nature is highlighted through her conversations with Maida, showcasing her sensitivity toward life's fleeting moments. The opening chapters also hint at changes ahead in Philippa's life, as she prepares to return home, revealing her earnest desire to be involved and helpful, notably culminating in an impulsive yet brave decision to accompany her sister to an important family visit under the guise of a maid. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
By Mrs. Molesworth
"Philippa" by Mrs. Molesworth is a fictional novel likely written in the late 19th century. The story centers around a young girl named Philippa Rayns...
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About the Author
Mary Louisa Molesworth, née Stewart was an English writer of children's stories who wrote for children under the name of Mrs Molesworth. Her first novels, for adult readers, Lover and Husband (1869) to Cicely (1874), appeared under the pseudonym of Ennis Graham. Her name occasionally appears in print as M. L. S. Molesworth.
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