"Dame Care" by Hermann Sudermann is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The book delves into the tumultuous life of the Meyerhofer family, highlighting themes of loss, hardship, and familial struggles. At its center is the fragile relationship between Paul, the newborn son of the Meyerhofer family, and his parents, Max and Frau Elsbeth, as they face the dire consequences of financial ruin and personal despair. The opening portion introduces us to a poignant atmosphere surrounding the birth of Paul, happening simultaneously with the looming auction of his family's estate. Frau Elsbeth, bedridden and anxious, cradles her newborn son while grappling with the fear of losing their home. Max, her husband, embodies despair as he reflects on their shattered lives, exacerbating the emotional strain on the family. The stark contrast between their previous life of comfort and the harsh realities of their current situation is portrayed through their interactions and dreams of a better future, which seem increasingly distant. As the story unfolds, the visit from Helene Douglas hints at unexpected kindness amidst their suffering, adding a glimmer of hope in their aching world. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Dame Care
By Hermann Sudermann
"Dame Care" by Hermann Sudermann is a novel likely written in the late 19th century. The book delves into the tumultuous life of the Meyerhofer family...
Hermann Sudermann was a German dramatist and novelist.
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