"Us and the Bottle Man" by Edith Ballinger Price is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around siblings Jerry, Greg, and Chris Holford, who embark on imaginative escapades during their summertime picnics on the island of Wecanicut. The children’s childhood whims lead them to write a playful message in a bottle, which ultimately brings unexpected correspondence from a mysterious figure they call the "Bottle Man," setting the stage for unique adventures and growing friendship. The opening of the book introduces us to the three main characters and their setting, highlighting their playful schemes during a picnic. The siblings creatively compose a letter that reflects their excitement for adventure, which they toss into the sea in hopes of it being discovered. Their light-hearted activities, including pretending to be pirates and finding a mysterious "Sea Monster," capture the essence of childhood imagination. As they explore both their immediate surroundings and the boundless possibilities of the adventures they can dream up, readers are drawn into their vibrant world marked by camaraderie and curiosity. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Us and the Bottle Man
By Edith Ballinger Price
"Us and the Bottle Man" by Edith Ballinger Price is a children's adventure novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers around siblings ...
Edith Ballinger Price (1897–1997) was a prolific writer and illustrator of children's books, best known for the imaginative stories and illustrations she created for 37 different books and stories. The granddaughter of landscape painter William Trost Richards, who first inspired her to draw, Price trained at Boston's School of the Museum of Fine Arts, the New York Art Students League and the National Academy of Design. Oft-published in general-interest magazines like Colliers and those aimed at children, like St. Nicholas Magazine, she was also notable as one of the chief founders of the Brownies, the junior version of the Girl Scouts.