"Hammer and Anvil: A Novel" by Friedrich Spielhagen is a fiction work written in the late 19th century. The narrative focuses on the troublesome academic life of a schoolboy named George Hartwig and his complicated relationship with his father and peers. The story explores themes of rebellion, youthful friendship, and the struggle for personal identity within the constraints of educational and familial expectations. The opening of the novel introduces George and his friend Arthur as they find themselves in a tense classroom environment under the stern gaze of their professor, Lederer. After a series of misadventures during class, the two boys make a spontaneous decision to escape school for a day of sailing, which leads to a mixture of excitement and underlying apprehension about the consequences of their actions. As they navigate their way through their friendship and personal challenges, George reflects on his contentious relationship with his strict father and how his experiences may shape his future. The beginning sets the stage for a coming-of-age story replete with conflict, camaraderie, and a quest for self-determination. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Hammer and Anvil: A Novel
By Friedrich Spielhagen
"Hammer and Anvil: A Novel" by Friedrich Spielhagen is a fiction work written in the late 19th century. The narrative focuses on the troublesome acade...
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About the Author
Friedrich Spielhagen was a German novelist, literary theorist and translator. He tried a number of careers in his early 20s, but at 25 began writing and translating. His best known novel is Sturmflut and his novel In Reih' und Glied was quite successful in Russia.
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