"The Seats of the Mighty, Volume 2" by Gilbert Parker is a historical novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative follows Captain Robert Moray, who finds himself entangled in the intricacies of love, rivalry, and political intrigue during the colonial conflicts between the French and British in Canada. As a hostage and officer, Moray's journey unfolds amidst themes of loyalty, honor, and the harsh realities of warfare. The opening of the novel introduces us to Captain Moray, who is imprisoned and reflects on his solitude, injuries, and thoughts of Alixe Duvarney, a woman he holds dear. As he processes memories of their moments together, a blend of nostalgia and melancholy permeates his thoughts. Moray’s interactions with Gabord, his jailer, and his determination to cling to hope despite dire circumstances provide a glimpse into his character. Alixe's letter further reveals her growing feelings and the dangerous political maneuvers surrounding them, setting the stage for the unfolding drama as Moray faces an uncertain fate while trying to navigate the obstacles posed by powerful foes like Monsieur Doltaire. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Seats of the Mighty, Volume 2
By Gilbert Parker
"The Seats of the Mighty, Volume 2" by Gilbert Parker is a historical novel written during the early 20th century. The narrative follows Captain Rober...
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About the Author
Sir Horatio Gilbert George Parker, 1st Baronet, known as Gilbert Parker, Canadian novelist and British politician, was born at Camden East, Addington, Ontario, the son of Captain Joseph Parker, R.A.
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