"Motor Matt's 'Century' Run; or, The Governor's Courier" by Stanley R. Matthews is a thrilling adventure fiction written in the early 20th century. The story follows the daring exploits of Matt King, known as "Motor Matt," who embarks on a high-stakes mission to deliver a crucial message for the governor. Accompanied by his friend Chub McReady, the narrative unfolds as they encounter various challenges, including a runaway horse team, a mysterious young girl named Rags, and dangerous enemies connected to the smuggling of Chinamen. At the start of the narrative, Matt, along with his inventive friend Chub, witnesses an accident involving Welcome Perkins, a quirky character attempting to fly an aeroplane. This incident introduces the boys to the overarching theme of adventure and helps set the stage for Matt's heroic journey. Shortly after, Matt rushes to save a young girl tied to a runaway wagon, leading to a confrontation with two suspicious Mexicans. As he struggles to piece together the mystery surrounding the girl and the shady characters associated with her, Matt learns of a more pressing mission from the governor, thrusting him into a dangerous race against time as he gears up to thwart the plans of a notorious gang. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Motor Matt's "Century" Run; or, The Governor's Courier
By Stanley R. Matthews
"Motor Matt's 'Century' Run; or, The Governor's Courier" by Stanley R. Matthews is a thrilling adventure fiction written in the early 20th century. Th...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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