"The Young Captain" by Rev. Elijah Kellogg is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. This story follows Arthur Brown, the son of a shipmaster who perished at sea, as he navigates the challenges of life after being rescued from a shipwreck. The novel explores themes of gratitude, adventure, and the bonds formed through shared experiences, particularly as the characters confront the tumultuous backdrop of early American maritime history during a period filled with conflict and opportunity. The opening of the book introduces us to the context of Arthur Brown's story, highlighting the kindness of Captain Rhines, who saves Arthur from a precarious situation on a raft. It sets the tone for the narrative, emphasizing the concepts of gratitude and paying back debts of kindness, as Captain Rhines recognizes Arthur as the son of his benefactor, who had taken him in as a young boy. The beginnings of the plot establish intriguing elements that suggest a rich exploration of character development, as Arthur and the other young men gradually work towards their ambitions amid the historical context of maritime exploits and the relationships formed in their tight-knit community. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Arthur Brown, The Young Captain
By Elijah Kellogg
"The Young Captain" by Rev. Elijah Kellogg is a historical novel written in the late 19th century. This story follows Arthur Brown, the son of a shipm...
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About the Author
Elijah Kellogg Jr. was an American Congregationalist minister, lecturer and author of popular boys' adventure books.
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