"The Diamond Coterie" by Lawrence L. Lynch is a detective novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around the aftermath of a bold burglary that has left the wealthy town of W---- in shock, particularly focusing on the theft of the illustrious Wardour diamonds owned by Miss Constance Wardour. The narrative involves various characters, including the calm and resourceful Miss Wardour, her distant relatives, and several men with questionable motives, as they navigate a web of social scandal and intrigue in their quest for justice. At the start of the novel, W---- experiences two significant shocks: a daring diamond robbery and the elopement of a high-society girl, Miss Sybil Lamotte, with John Burrill, a man of dubious reputation. The plot unfolds through the eyes of Constance Wardour, who remains composed even as chaos surrounds her, and her interactions with characters like the detective Mr. Neil Bathurst. As the events unfold, clues about the robbery and the social dynamics of W---- lead to more questions than answers. The opening chapters establish an environment ripe for mystery and set the stage for a series of investigations into both the theft and the intricate relationships among the town's elite. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Diamond Coterie
By Lawrence L. Lynch
"The Diamond Coterie" by Lawrence L. Lynch is a detective novel written in the late 19th century. The story centers around the aftermath of a bold bur...
Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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