"The Knights of Arthur" by Frederik Pohl is a science fiction novel written in the late 1950s. The book presents a post-apocalyptic scenario in which a few survivors navigate a devastated New York City, facing challenges as they try to rebuild their lives. The story features an unusual protagonist—Arthur, a prosthetic tank with a human brain—highlighting themes of survival, companionship, and the struggle for power in a changed world. In this engaging narrative, the main character, Sam Dunlap, along with his friends Vern Engdahl and Arthur, orchestrate a plan to secure a means of survival, which leads them to acquire the grand ship, the "Queen Elizabeth". They confront various adversaries, including rival factions led by a military figure known as the Major, who attempts to impose control over them. As they navigate their complex relationships with each other and with the outsiders, they ultimately find themselves in a struggle for freedom and control at sea, with Arthur taking on a pivotal role as both the ship's captain and a central figure in their newfound community. The novel mixes humor with action and philosophical questions about humanity and autonomy, making it a thought-provoking read. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Knights of Arthur
By Frederik Pohl
"The Knights of Arthur" by Frederik Pohl is a science fiction novel written in the late 1950s. The book presents a post-apocalyptic scenario in which ...
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Information on this author is scarce, but their work continues to inspire readers.
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