"Two Yellow-Birds" by Anonymous is a children's story written during the early 19th century. This tale revolves around themes of care, compassion, and the natural world, depicting the bond between a young girl named Lucy and her beloved pet birds. The narrative serves as both an engaging story for young readers and a moral lesson about responsibility and the acceptance of loss. In the story, Lucy Tracy develops a close attachment to her pet bird, Black-pate, finding joy in his company as he plays and sings. As the seasons change, Lucy’s mother decides to release Black-pate into the wild for his happiness, which initially brings Lucy sorrow but ultimately teaches her the importance of selflessness and the joy of caring for others. When Lucy’s new bird falls sick and eventually dies, she learns to cope with her grief, understanding that while loss is painful, it should not hinder one's responsibilities and duties. Throughout the tale, Lucy’s interactions with her birds reflect her growth and the life lessons imparted by her mother, establishing a foundation for her character development as she matures. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Two Yellow-Birds
By Anonymous
Anonymous works are works, such as art or literature, that have an anonymous, undisclosed, or unknown creator or author. In the case of very old works, the author's name may simply be lost over the course of history and time. There are a number of reasons anonymous works arise.
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