"The Skeleton Crew; or, Wildfire Ned" by Anonymous is a novel written in the late 19th century. Set in a snow-covered village around Christmas time, it revolves around a cast of characters that includes the young farmer's son, Bob Bertram, who is in distress after being estranged from his father, Farmer Bertram. The story hints at dark and mysterious events, including a visit from a sinister horseman and the involvement of supernatural elements such as a ghostly crew that brings fear and chaos. The opening of the novel introduces readers to a cold December night in the village of Darlington, where villagers are celebrating at the local inn, the "Black Bull." Bob Bertram is introduced as a powerful-looking youth who feels isolated and hurt after leaving his father’s farm due to family issues. As he walks away from the festivities, he encounters a mysterious horseman who reveals knowledge about Bob and his family. This encounter foreshadows the troubling events to come, hinting at betrayal, murder, and the appearance of supernatural forces that impact the lives of the characters. The tale establishes a tension between the familiar world of the village and the ominous undertones of the supernatural that will unfold throughout the story. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The skeleton crew : $b or, Wildfire Ned
By Anonymous
"The Skeleton Crew; or, Wildfire Ned" by Anonymous is a novel written in the late 19th century. Set in a snow-covered village around Christmas time, i...
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About the Author
Anonymous works are works, such as art or literature, that have an anonymous, undisclosed, or unknown creator or author. In the case of very old works, the author's name may simply be lost over the course of history and time. There are a number of reasons anonymous works arise.
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