"The Swiss Family Robinson; or, Adventures on a Desert Island" by Johann David Wyss is a novel written in the early 19th century. The story centers around the Robinson family, who survive a shipwreck and find themselves stranded on a deserted island. As they face various challenges, the family members, especially the father and his sons, work together to build a new life in their perilous yet adventurous circumstances. At the start of the story, the family endures a terrifying storm at sea, leading to the shipwreck. The father, a loving and resourceful figure, reassures his terrified children and works tirelessly to keep their spirits high as they face the prospect of survival. With the ship destroyed, the family salvages what they can and prepares to embark on their journey to find a safe haven on land. Their determination and ingenuity become evident as they navigate the unknown island and depend on each other, setting the stage for a tale of adventure, exploration, and resilience. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Swiss Family Robinson; or, Adventures on a Desert Island
By Johann David Wyss
Jean Rudolph Wyss is credited as author on title page of this edition, but his father Johann David Wyss is more commonly listed as author. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Swiss_Family_Robinson
Johann David Wyss was a Swiss author, best remembered for his book The Swiss Family Robinson (1812). He was born and died in Bern. It is said that he was inspired by Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, but wanted to write a story from which his own children would learn, as the father in the story taught important lessons to his children. The Swiss Family Robinson was first published in German in 1812, then translated into English two years later. The book was edited by his son, Johann Rudolf Wyss, a scholar known for writing the Swiss national anthem, Rufst du, mein Vaterland. Another of Wyss's sons, Johann Emmanuel Wyss, illustrated the book. Johann David Wyss died in 1818 at the age of 74. He lived longer than his son Johann Rudolf, who would die twelve years later at the age of 48.