"Bleekman's Planet" by Ivar Jorgensen is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. The story follows MacKenzie Thornwald, a retired Interstellar Policeman who arrives on the newly colonized Bleekman's Planet, only to find himself embroiled in a dark and oppressive regime ruled by Governor Lloyd Henderson. The narrative examines themes of corruption, power, and survival in a frontier world marked by danger and intrigue. The tale begins with Thornwald's jarring welcome to Bleekman's Planet as he swiftly encounters hostility and injustice, leading to his arrest by the local authorities. Despite the rough treatment, he quickly plots his escape and sets out to reclaim his lost property—including his crucial prosthetic arm—while uncovering the extent of Henderson’s tyrannical control over the planet. As Thornwald aligns with his fellow inmates and uses his cunning and combat skills, he must confront not only the corrupt officials but also his own limitations as a one-armed man. Ultimately, he takes a stand against Henderson, rallying for the freedom of Bleekman's Planet and seeking justice, all while leveraging his unique circumstances to his advantage. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Bleekman's Planet
By Randall Garrett
By Garrett and Silverberg, writing under the pseudonym "Ivar Jorgensen," according to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.
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About the Author
Gordon Randall Phillip David Garrett was an American science fiction and fantasy author. He was a contributor to Astounding and other science fiction magazines of the 1950s and 1960s. He instructed Robert Silverberg in the techniques of selling large quantities of action-adventure science fiction, and collaborated with him on two novels about men from Earth disrupting a peaceful agrarian civilization on an alien planet.
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