"Whosoever Shall Offend" by F. Marion Crawford is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story is set in Italy and revolves around the complexities of trust, love, and familial relationships, particularly focusing on a young man named Marcello Consalvi, his affluent mother, the widow Signora Corbario, and her much younger husband, Folco Corbario. The narrative delves into societal perceptions and the hidden dynamics within their seemingly perfect family unit. The opening of the novel introduces the characters and establishes the setting, beginning with the marriage of the wealthy widow, Signora Corbario, to the young Folco, much to the dismay of society. The author presents conflicting views on their marriage, while also exploring the relationship between Folco and Marcello, portraying Folco as an ideal stepfather. As Marcello grows, the story reveals his innocence and the protective nature of his mother, who wishes to preserve his childhood bliss against the harsh realities of life. Tensions begin to arise, particularly in how Marcello's youth is contrasted with the expectations of society, leaving readers to ponder the impact of external influences on their lives and relationships. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Whosoever Shall Offend
By F. Marion (Francis Marion) Crawford
"Whosoever Shall Offend" by F. Marion Crawford is a novel written during the early 20th century. The story is set in Italy and revolves around the com...
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About the Author
Francis Marion Crawford was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastical stories.
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