"The Turner Twins" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers on the twin brothers, Ned and Laurie Turner, who navigate their new lives at Hillman’s School after leaving California. As they adapt to the boarding school environment, they encounter challenges, make new friends, and look to prove themselves in various sports, particularly football. At the start of the book, the Turner twins arrive at Hillman’s School, each with distinct personalities but much alike in appearance. The opening scenes showcase their playful banter and lighthearted arguments about their journey and future at school. After a humorous encounter with a girl named Polly Deane, they finally locate the school they are to attend. The boys express their apprehensions about fitting in and whether they will enjoy their new environment. The narrative effectively sets the tone for the twins' adventures, highlighting their camaraderie and the challenges ahead as they try to uphold their family's honor and thrive in a competitive school atmosphere. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
The Turner Twins
By Ralph Henry Barbour
"The Turner Twins" by Ralph Henry Barbour is a novel written in the early 20th century. The story centers on the twin brothers, Ned and Laurie Turner,...
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About the Author
Ralph Henry Barbour was an American novelist, who primarily wrote popular works of sports fiction for boys. In collaboration with L. H. Bickford, he also wrote as Richard Stillman Powell, notably Phyllis in Bohemia. Other works included light romances and adventure.
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