"It's All Yours" by Sam Merwin, Jr. is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. Set in a dystopian future where humanity faces extinction due to environmental decay and asterility, the story follows the Chancellor of a dying Earth, who grapples with the unprecedented challenges of alien colonization from Mars. The book explores themes of hope, despair, and the complexities of survival in a world where organic life is collapsing. In the narrative, Chancellor Bliss rules over a desolate planet suffering from mutations and societal unrest. Humanity's struggle to breed has led to desperation, nightmares, and a waning sense of hope. The story takes a turn with the arrival of a Martian ambassador, Captain Yaelstrom, who arrives with an ultimatum for Earth—a demand for living space due to overpopulation on Mars. As their conversation unfolds, it becomes clear that both worlds share a painful legacy of mutation and survival. Bliss must navigate the implications of this prospect, balancing the needs of his people against a looming threat of colonization, ultimately revealing the stark realities of their intertwined fates. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
It's All Yours
By Sam Merwin
"It's All Yours" by Sam Merwin, Jr. is a science fiction novel written in the mid-20th century. Set in a dystopian future where humanity faces extinct...
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About the Author
Samuel Kimball Merwin Jr. was an American mystery fiction writer, editor and science fiction author. His pseudonyms included Elizabeth Deare Bennett, Matt Lee, Jacques Jean Ferrat and Carter Sprague.
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