"Swamp Cat" by Jim Kjelgaard is a novel written in the mid-20th century. The story follows a spirited black kitten named Frosty who, after being taken from his home by an unscrupulous man, must learn to survive in the wilderness. As Frosty navigates his new environment, he encounters various creatures, faces dangers, and discovers the strength and independence inherent in his character. At the start of the book, we are introduced to Frosty and his two gray brothers living in a shed, until they are abruptly captured by a man named Luke Trull. While his siblings are stuffed into a sack, Frosty cleverly escapes and must adapt to the wild to survive. As he begins to understand the world around him, he encounters different animals, learns to hunt, and ultimately faces the challenges of various predators, including a coyote and a great horned owl. This opening portion sets the stage for Frosty's journey towards independence and survival amid the complexities of nature. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Swamp Cat
By Jim Kjelgaard
"Swamp Cat" by Jim Kjelgaard is a novel written in the mid-20th century. The story follows a spirited black kitten named Frosty who, after being taken...
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About the Author
James Arthur Kjelgaard was an American author of young adult literature.
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