"A Cardinal Sin" by Eugène Sue is a novel written in the late 19th century. The story revolves around Mariette, a young girl facing poverty and hardship as she tries to care for her ailing godmother while dreaming of a life filled with love and happiness. The narrative highlights themes of love, sacrifice, and the struggles of the lower class in society. The opening portion introduces Mariette as she visits a public scribe to have a letter written to her beloved, Louis. Through their interaction, we learn of her life’s burdens, including her responsibilities towards her sick godmother and her longing for a better future. As Mariette dictates her heartfelt letter, she reveals her devotion and emotional turmoil, setting the stage for the complex interplay of love, social struggles, and sacrifice that will likely unfold in the novel. A parallel story emerges through the scribe’s furtive glances and apprehensions, hinting at deeper connections and potential conflicts as Mariette's love story develops amidst societal challenges. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Cardinal Sin
By Eugène Sue
Translation of: Les Sept Péchés capitaux--L'avarice
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About the Author
Marie-Joseph "Eugène" Sue was a French novelist. He was one of several authors who popularized the genre of the serial novel in France with his very popular and widely imitated The Mysteries of Paris, which was published in a newspaper from 1842 to 1843.
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