"A Daughter of the Middle Border" by Hamlin Garland is a biographical narrative written in the early 20th century. The work serves as a continuation of Garland's previous autobiography, detailing his experiences and relationships within a pioneer family setting in the American Midwest. The book explores themes of family, the passage of time, and the transformation of American society, centering around Garland's reflections on his childhood and the lives of his family members. The opening of the narrative begins with Garland recounting his decision to move back to the West to care for his aging parents after a successful career in the East. He vividly describes the family homestead in West Salem, Wisconsin, their interactions, and the life they are trying to build together. His father is portrayed as a traditional pioneer, and his mother expresses a longing for a daughter. This dynamic sets a personal tone, as Garland focuses on individual relationships and the intimate moments that define them, highlighting the themes of homecoming and nostalgia that will resonate throughout the book. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
A Daughter of the Middle Border
By Hamlin Garland
"A Daughter of the Middle Border" by Hamlin Garland is a biographical narrative written in the early 20th century. The work serves as a continuation o...
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About the Author
Hannibal Hamlin Garland was an American novelist, poet, essayist, short story writer, Georgist, and psychical researcher. He is best known for his fiction involving hard-working Midwestern farmers.
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