"Beyond the Ultra-Violet" by Frank M. Robinson is a science fiction narrative written in the early 1950s. The book explores the profound consequences of an experimental procedure designed to expand human vision beyond the conventional spectrum of light. It focuses on the themes of sight, perception, and the nature of reality, illustrating the potential dangers of human curiosity and ambition. The storyline follows Charles, a young physics student who, upon the encouragement of his professor, embarks on a radical experiment to enhance his vision to perceive wavelengths beyond the visible spectrum. As he undergoes the treatment, Charles describes a transition from the known colors of his world into a vibrant realm filled with unimaginable hues and forms, ultimately leading to a complete loss of his sight in the conventional sense. Despite this, he discovers a deeper understanding of light and perception. However, he faces a poignant moment when, after the final procedure, his vision opens to a world beyond comprehension, where he unexpectedly cries out for Alice, his deceased wife, suggesting that his journey might have led him to a realm of emotional resonance rather than mere visual experience. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
Beyond the Ultra-Violet
By Frank M. Robinson
"Beyond the Ultra-Violet" by Frank M. Robinson is a science fiction narrative written in the early 1950s. The book explores the profound consequences ...
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About the Author
Frank Malcolm Robinson was an American science fiction and techno-thriller writer. He was a speechwriter for gay politician Harvey Milk and Milk's designated successor in the event of his death but declined to be appointed to or run for office.
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