"British Sea Birds" by Charles Dixon is a scientific publication written in the late 19th century. This work focuses on the diverse avian life inhabiting the British coastal regions, specifically examining various species of gulls and terns, along with their characteristics, behavior, and breeding habits. Through detailed descriptions and illustrations, the book aims to enhance the understanding and appreciation of these seabirds. The opening of the work introduces readers to the gull family, elaborating on their characteristics, behaviors, and differences among species. It highlights the close association of gulls with maritime environments and describes their varied habitats and social behaviors. The text emphasizes the importance of certain gull species as both summer residents and winter wanderers in British waters, setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of specific types within this family in subsequent chapters. (This is an automatically generated summary.)
British Sea Birds
By Charles Dixon
"British Sea Birds" by Charles Dixon is a scientific publication written in the late 19th century. This work focuses on the diverse avian life inhabit...
Charles Dixon was an English ornithologist, born in London. He discovered the St Kilda wren and a new species in North Africa. He collaborated with Henry Seebohm on his great work on British Birds, in the second volume of which he summarized and modified A. R. Wallace's theory of the relation between nests and coloration of birds. Elliott Coues wrote in the preface to the American edition of Dixon's book "Rural bird life" pointing out the originality of the observations made from the field and Julian Huxley noted Dixon for recognizing the value of prismatic binoculars for bird study. In his later years, he wrote in the newspapers on agricultural fairs and horse shows.